Telephone network installation in Сургуте

ооо ветеран связи сервис проектирование, поставка, монтаж телекоммуникационного оборудования в городе сургут всс монтаж систем видеонаблюдения монтаж охранно-пожарных систем опс
Telephone network installation, computer network installation, Radio communication systems, Office automatic telephone systems, Satellite communication
Telephone network installation, installation of security and fire system, computer network installation, alarms and warning systems, Flameproofing
Telephone network installation, installation of security and fire system, computer network installation, alarms and warning systems
Adjusting and startup procedures, Telephone network installation, installation of security and fire system, Electrical installation work
181588550, 171011871, 817747587, 167307367, 169556138, 166716029, 170702443, 165631461
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