ENT-deseases treatment in Сургуте

приём ведут специалисты высокого уровня, профессионализм которых подтверждён многолетней успешной практикой, заслуженным признанием коллег и пациентов.
Therapeutic massage, Beautician, Gynecologist, Leech therapy, urologist services, Surgery services, Multifaceted Medical Centres, ENT-deseases treatment
Child life specialist services, Orthopedist, trauma sergion, endocrinologist services, diagnostic centre, Ophthalmologist services, Massage, neurologist services, Multifaceted Medical Centres, psychologist services, Orthodontist, ENT-deseases treatment
165352832, 2000161052, 1708872498, 165331787, 165527492
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